How I started using HTSM for my testing
How I started using HTSM for my testing
When I initially learned about it, it sounded really technical and alien. I had to read this document, several times to fully grasp it.
The HTSM (v.5.9) is a set of guide-word heuristics designed to help you think better about test strategy. It includes four focus areas: test techniques, project elements, product elements, and quality criteria categories.
When I was given a new project at my work, I found this at the perfect time. My typical approach to performing an initial spec analysis was to start with test cases. Then rewriting again in the midway, then again, because it was messy. I was writing functional tests based on the functionality, then would go to UI tests. While doing that I'd get some test ideas from the expected behavior, I'd switch here then. I wasn't following any structure or plan.
At that time I was getting training from Ajay Balamurugadas, he assigned me the project of using HTSM principles for Google Docs. I also referred his article while exercising. This improved my understanding.
I then returned to my current work project. This time, the flow is more organized. This is how:
I started by gathering data about the Project Environment. The goal or mission, the team, and details about the product being tested (Dev, test, XF), Tools (Automation, Bug tracking, communication, test management), timeline (Test design, data creation, XF activity..), Test items (in scope, out-of scope, product availability..), Deliverables (Test plan, test scenarios, defect report, test progress report, communication medium..) etc..
The above I presented as a Test plan, along with high level use cases and mind map of expected results.
The next section was Product Elements, which were grouped (SFDIPOT) by special elements to be taken into account for test strategy. Before starting work, I also viewed Product Coverage Outline - YouTube. Having a better idea now, I was ready to start. I had also used a mind mapping tool to ease my learning of google Doc’s product elements.
I began working on my official project after spending a few hours learning how to utilize HTSM's Product components learning technique. This time, I was much clearer, and I made another mind map for myself as a reference. I felt like I had a good coverage with that in hand.
I'm now learning XMIND software using HTSM. Until I can use HTSM naturally, I'll practice with more applications.
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